3E BudFlow® Cattle Forcing Pen

A Cattle Force Pen Built Around Animal Science
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Product Features | Product Specifications
3 models available:
8' Radius| 10' Radius| 12' Radius
Arrowquip's 3E BudFlow® Forcing Pen uses natural cattle behaviour and light to create efficient flow. By incorporating the 3E System in the BudFlow Forcing Pen design, cattle are instinctively drawn to areas where more light can be seen which allows you to guide them into the race effortlessly. Whether you are working with a small group of cattle or running a large group through a system, the 3E BudFlow Forcing Pen is designed to maximize efficiency and profitability, allowing you to have time for more important things in life.
The 3E BudFlow Forcing Pen is available as a stationary unit, and as an option on the Portable Q-Catch 87 Series Cattle Crush, Race & Forcing Pen, Portable Q-Catch 87 Series Portable Race & Forcing Pen, Portable Q-Power 107 Series Cattle Crush, Race & Forcing Pen, and the Portable Q-Power 107 Series Portable Race & Forcing Pen.
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With my budflow I can safely manage the flow of cattle, work with their natural tendencies, and most importantly do it all on my own if necessary.
- John Q, Rancher -
Product Features
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Work Your Way

The 3E BudFlow Forcing Pen is designed to use cattle psychology to your advantage no matter how you like to work your livestock.
3E BudFlow
The Budflow Forcing Pen with the 3E System is designed to create flow using light and cattle behavior. With the 3E Budflow Forcing Pen design, cattle instinctively turn around and approach the race willingly by seeing more light through the low-sheeted panels. When working livestock through a system ending with a crush, you can use the 3E Budflow Forcing Pen to apply the start-stop method easily.
How 3E BudFlow Works:
- Cattle enter the 3E Budflow Forcing Pen by seeing light through the 3E panels, and you close the entry gate behind them
- Cattle naturally turn back to where they entered
- Cattle approach the open access to the race
- Cattle move easily into the race with no force
- If a cow hesitates to exit the pen, the next one can take charge and continue flow
Do More With S-Flow
An S-Flow System generates constant flow of cattle by incorporating arcs into full handling systems. S-Flow is best applied when handling large groups of cattle for drafting or loading into a trailer. Based on cattle's instinct to follow curves, consistent movement can be maintained as they are repeatedly convinced that they are escaping. You can easily create the draw required to initiate crowd movement with the 3E Budflow Forcing Pen because of its 3/4 circular design. By leading cattle into a curved Easy Flow Race System, you are able to apply the S-Flow concept completely and efficiently.
Working S-Flow With 3E Budflow
- Cattle enter the pen through the back gate
- Cattle see light through the low-sheeted panels and follow the circular shape of the pen
- Cattle round the pen and see others through the low-sheeted panel, drawing them out of the pen
- Cattle easily enter the open access to the races
- The S-Flow system is continued with curved races leading to the draft or trailer
- The operator can use point of balance handling techniques to maintain continuous flow
S-Flow Systems - Incorporating Curves for Continuous Flow
Left-Hand vs Right-Hand Configuration

All BudFlow Cattle Forcing Pens are available in left or right-hand configuration. To determine the hand you need in your cattle working system, stand facing the crowd gate and look at the direction of the sweep. If it rotates counterclockwise, it is left-hand. If it rotates clockwise, it is right-hand. If you require assistance determining the hand you need, contact the Arrowquip Team.
Picture on Right (Left-Right): Left-Hand Configuration | Right-Hand Configuration
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Product Specifications
- Adheres to low-stress cattle handling techniques
- Works with cattle psychology
- Sheeted panels allow the operator to utilize point of balance handling techniques
- Low 851mm sheeting on the first panel and the additional exit panel, allowing cattle to see more light
- Force gate can be used to assist animals in the right direction, if necessary
- Force gate lock assists in sweeping so cattle are unable to push the gate back
- Force gate is designed to ensure operator safety
- Rectangular tubing limits cattle bruising and injury
- Sheet metal is caulked to reduce noise
- High capacity
- Simple four-step assembly
- Durable clips connect the BudFlow® Forcing Pen with other Arrowquip products seamlessly
- 1.6mm steel sheeting
- Panels bolt together for structural integrity
- Powder-coated steel ensures long-term durability of the equipment
- Panels are stabilized by joiner bars connecting to the center of the pen
- Rubber bushing on the force gate lock cushions impact to reduce metal clanging
- Panels are bolted together to eliminate metal rattling
- Center post features a rubber bumper to eliminate the gap between the post and back gate
Available Models
Model: 8' Radius
Weight: 816 kg
Dimensions: 4907mm Wide x 2185mm High x 4834mm Long
Number of Adult Cattle: Max 3-4
Minimum Race Length: 16' (2x-8' Races)Model: 10' Radius
Weight: 996 kg
Dimensions: 6134mm Wide x 2185mm High x 6104mm Long
Number of Adult Cattle: Max 6-7
Minimum Race Length: 30' (3x-10' Races)Model: 12' Radius
Weight: 1117 kg
Dimensions: 7406mm Wide x 2185mm High x 7320mm Long
Number of Adult Cattle: Max 9-10
Minimum Race Length: 40' (4x-10' Races)
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Add My Review
We purchased the Arrowquip Portable chute, alley and crowding tub unit and we love it. Easy to operate, keeps us safe and increases efficiency in getting our cows through the system. We couldn't be happier with our purchase and would highly recommend this system as a value added upgrade to any cattle operation.
Arrowquip is amazing! I was having a hard time finding a dealer so I called the main number, within 30 minutes I had a dealer calling me and willing to deliver a tub to me the next day! We made the deal and have ran 800 head through it so far. Works amazing, set up was easy and the cattle worked through perfectly! So very happy
By far the best equipment I have ever used! We raise rodeo stock and they are wild and hard to handle but our setup has made it so much easier and safer!